Hellenic (Greek) Sugar Industry : to home page

General Information about the company

The company "HELLENIC SUGAR INDUSTRY SA" with a distinctive title "H.S.I. SA", was founded in 1960 (fek 153/9.5.1960) and is having its seat in the Thessaloniki (Mitropoleos str. 34, 54110 Thessaloniki, tel. 2310-296400) where its head offices are located. At the head offices are based the Board of Directors, the General Management and the executive departments and services of the Company.
H.S.I. S.A. is listed in the registers of Anonymous companies of the Ministry of Development, under No. M.A.E. 8246/62/B/86/61. Duration of the company was initially fixed at 30 years up to 31/12/1990 whereas on 1/1/1991 it was extended for another 20 years until 31/12/2010. The duration of the company may be extended by the decision-making of the General Assembly of the share-holders.

The main scope of the company according to its statutes is the building, equipment, exploitation and the operation of sugar factories. The company's goals also include the self-independent or / and the participation of third parties:

a) The establishment, equipment and exploitation of sugar-producing factories and every kind of sweeteners of starch, starchy, alcohol and in general kneading products and related goods, as well as products from the above stated, and processed by-products and cattle feed.

b) Production and processing of multiple material of sugarbeets, and other plants as well.

c) Production of the raw materials of the company's factories.

d) Development of an autonomous network for promoting products.

e) Construction, assemblage, and repair of the electro - mechanical equipment of the company's factories and the farming machinery.

f) Conduct of a scientific research in all fields of activity of the company.

g) Trading (import, export e.t.c.) and standardization of above products, by-products, raw materials, multiple material, agricultural products, machinery e.t.c..

h) Setting-up a unit of production, processing, manufacturing and trade of any sort of cattle feed.

i) Render to third parties services, such as drawing up studies, technical assistance, exploitation of special technology (patents, Know-how e.t.c.).

j) Development of agro-industrial in Greece and abroad, as well as setting up affiliated companies for the trade of sugar, its by-products, agro-industrial and relevant products.

To achieve the above goals the company is entitled to set up companies of any form, which will be subject to the approval of the general assembly of the share-holders.

It has to be noted that in the last no alteration has occurred at all in the company's scope.

The geographical allocation of the operating units of the company is shown in the drawing:

Hellenic Sugar Industry in Greece


Αντικείμενο Εργασιών

the Hellenic Sugar Industry

beet root fields for sugar production beet root quality control sugar plants of Greek sugar company research and development in Hellenic Sugar Industry industrial production of sugar at Hellenic Sugar Industry Greek sugar production sugar in retail packs